My 9th Half Marathon

Hey there SuperStarrs, it’s Super Cool that I’m able to chat about My 9th Half Marathon!!! It’s hard to really tell ya the spiritual feeling I had holding my guitar bling, looking at the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame Pyramid & realizing, what was once a Dream & Desire, just happened!!! This trip was so full of Awesomeness that I can’t possibly write about it all in one post. It started with me picking up my race packet as soon as we got to Cleveland, Ohio.


The Arcade in Cleveland, Ohio

While there I found a cool coffee shop called Rising Star Coffee Roasters. Of Course I love coffee & being a Starr I had to check it out, even though I already had Starbucks in hand. LOL!!!


Inside Entrance 


Coffee Break


SuperStarr Coffee


Outside Entrance 

Then we headed to check out the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & meet up with my friend Cristy & her family!!!  I will make a future post with more from that visit because it’s gotta have it’s own. Such a cool place that every music lover should check out!!!

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Cristy & I With Our Munchkins!!!

We spent the entire day there before parting ways so they could head home & I could sleep. The next morning was the Half Marathon Race.  Now here’s some videos of this Amazing race!!!


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Getting My Bling!!!

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Deborah Busy Bee!!!

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My Feet Hurt From Kicking My Own Butt!!!

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My 9th Half Marathon


Miguel My Running Buddy This Race.

On the way home from the race we had to make a stop at A Christmas Story House . For years growing up I’ve spent every Christmas Eve watching this classic movie.  So when planning the trip to Cleveland, Ohio I knew this was a must stop.  It was AMAZING & the kids had so much fun.  I will post more of our visit on a later time closer to Christmas. Here is a few pics for now.


Ralphie’s Red Ryder Rifle!!!


A Major Award!!! Actually I’m Wearing Mine Around My Neck!!!

After having fun at the house we the headed home but stopped on the way to have dinner & ice cream @ Ducky’s Snowballs with Cristy & her family.


Cristy & I


Our Boys, Ethan & Kaleb w/ Melody!!!

It’s so Great that our kids get along so well & they never want to leave. So that was our time in Cleveland & we all agree that CLEVELAND ROCKS!!! 🙂

It’s AMAZING that my next race is gonna take me into double digits!!!  I will forever be able to say that I’ve ran 10 Half Marathons in 7 states in 3 years time!!!  And to think back that it all started with a Dream to finish just one.  God is so AMAZING!!!  Seriously SuperStarrs if He can take me from sitting on the couch doing movie marathons to running 9 half marathons, He can do anything for anyone who dares to dream!!!  I believe that the dreams inside us is there because He put them there!!!  So whatever you got stirring in you, start now going for it.  It’s Your life.  Believe in Your Dreams!!!  Ask God for help & put your faith in Him!!!

SuperStarrs What’s Your Dream???

What are ya doing to make it a reality???

Make Healthy Choices & Be Patience “In The Weighting”.

You Can Ask

SuperStarrs, I want you to know that, You Can Ask God for whatever you are dreaming of!!!  Maybe you have Never heard that before and think it sounds selfish.  Maybe you have but you are just not asking.  In today’s video I am sharing all about asking and to keep asking!!!  This video is proof that God answers us if we take it to Him, ask and work towards what we are dreaming.  Us working towards it, is us showing Him our faith that we believe that He will help us to achieve it.   Whatever “It” is.

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God Loves You More than you could ever love yourself!!!  He wants you to do Great things. He wants you to have Peace, Love, Joy, & Success.  As I am putting this post all together I am being reminded of this truth!!! This video was recorded in July of this past Summer & as I was watching & editing it I realized that I am looking at the face of the old me. Even though it was just a few months ago I can totally see in my face that God is still moving me towards my end goal.  Step by Step, pound by pound. So incase you were watching this video & wondering if I have gained weight back, NO. I just had others that I wanted to share before posting this message.  However the Super Cool thing is that sometimes we can think that the progress we have made isn’t really making a difference. Then you see yourself in a video or picture & realize that progress is happening!!! I’m here to tell ya every bit is still progress & it IS making a difference.  Not just in your life but, in every person that is watching you!!!  Just the other day as I was going thru the Starbucks drive-thru, the baristas, two of them said “Girl you are shrinking so small. Your face is so different.”.  Of course it TOTALLY brighten my day, in fact today I’m still talking about it!!! 🙂  My point is that they see me every time I treat myself to delicious Starbucks. Which might be pretty frequent. 😉  They can tell that God is doing an Amazing Healing in me.  Another Super Cool experience of this happening was last year at Joyce Meyer Love Life Conference.  I’ll never forget talking with a couple ladies before a session & when they asked me my age.  I told them & they both responded with “Wow I though you were in your 20’s!!!”  That felt so Amazingly Super Cool!!! Especially since I’m 37 & getting closer to 40 than my 30’s. You can’t buy anything anti-aging like that!!!  An added bonus of losing weight slow & controlled is your skin has time to tighten up while it’s healing.  God used the healing of my skin to be able to show these ladies the benefits of drinking water, sleeping & eating from God’s garden.  That it’s not just weight loss, there is so much more to be able to enjoy on this journey!!! I was able to share with them my website & social media accounts so that they could continue hearing me share my story of healing.  While they all are watching this Determined Debbie do this Amazing transformation it opens the door for them to ask me how & what I am doing.  That’s when I am able to share Jesus with them.  Because I can’t share my story without sharing Jesus.  He Is my story!!!  My pray & hope is that they will be inspired of what God can do for them!!!  What God has done for me He can & wants to do for them too!!!  And for YOU!!!  Just start asking & He will lead & guide you where He wants to take you.  Who would of thought that God could use someone losing weight & getting healthy to share His message of Healing & Hope.  He did!!!

SuperStarrs Remember Matthew 7:7-12 Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking!!!

What have you been wanting to ask God for???

When are you gonna start asking???

Who will be effected or inspired from watching you on your “In The Weighting” Journey???

SuperStarrs, what are you waiting for???

Ask, Seek & Knock.  God is waiting & listening.  Just ask!!!

Be patient & make healthy choices while you are “In The Weighting“!!!

Find What Makes You Get Up & Go!!!

SuperStarrs this video I took this past weekend when I was at the Love Life Women’s Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.  Which is always a great time of getting refueled and encouraged while hanging out with thousands of ladies!!!

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So if you are saying, “Debbie, I don’t have anything that make me want to get up & go.” Then guess what ya gotta find it!!!  You can start by remembering what you liked to do as a kid.  Did you dance, tumble, or play sports? Was it in a group setting or did you prefer going solo? Did you enjoy playing for fun or did competition help motivate you? Take some time to remember what you made you feel good, while having fun. Did you enjoy jumping rope, bike riding, swimming, or lifting weights? Do you like routine or constantly changing things up?  If you were never very active before you can start now.  Be adventurous!!!  Take a dance class or sign up for swim class at your local YMCA if you enjoy meeting new people. If working out alone is your thing, then stay home & push play on a workout DVD. Don’t have one, then YouTube whatever you looking for.  Anyone can grab your sneakers & music and get outside for a walk.  You’ll enjoy the fresh air, sunshine & be able to build up to miles.  Then someday start walk/run & then you’ll be running before ya know it!!!  The point is, just start with something. Try it, if you are not feeling it then move onto something else. Keep going until you find your thing!!! You will still be burning calories & sweating until you find it.

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You can check out more of my pics from St. Louis on my Instagram @debbierstarr!!!

For me I love to run for many reasons. Number one is I love to eat & I love to eat carbs!!! Running allows me to burn off & refuel with carbs!!! I also enjoy being outside, getting fresh air & sunshine all year round!!!  Smelling the lilacs in the Spring, getting some color on my skin in the Summer, watching the trees change colors & the welcomed cool weather in the Fall, & making footprints as I crunch in the snow in the Winter, all these changes keep my runs always fresh & new. It never gets boring & when I travel I get to actually see places that I wouldn’t if I was just driving. Another Love is I get to put music in my ears & drowned out the rest of the noise of the world.  This Mom needs her music & a break from the latest Disney Movie my Daughter is obsessed with. (Currently it is Moana.) Occasionally I’ll meet up with friends, but most of the time I run solo.  It works for me.  It’s my therapy a lot of days. Even on tough days, I’m able to run off stressed energy, while talking to God about what’s going on. I always feel better after my runs!!!  I’ve never regretted a run.

Whatever you choose, start by slowly adding that into your schedule. Start off slow and add as you can do more.  If you haven’t rode a bike in 15 years, don’t hop on and try to do a 10 mile ride.  The goal is to feel good afterwards, not struggling to walk for the next week. Even if you just did around the block, that progress from just sitting on the couch.  Remember to stretch & stay hydrated!!!


This year was the last year to be held annually in St. Louis.  Next year it’s moving to Tampa, FL and then on from there.  With all change there is bittersweetness to it.  For the past eight years I’ve road tripped it down to St. Louis mostly with the same core group of ladies and one year solo. (I was prego with baby girl & knew it needed to be a solo trip so that I wouldn’t have to share a bed or bathroom & that I could nap & have quiet time when I needed it. True friends understand when you are honest about your needs & they’ll never try to make you feel bad.)  So this past weekend was a great time of reflection. Remembering where I was spiritually & physically when I First started coming & then where I am today.  It started with me healing spiritually then has progressed to physically.  Thinking back, I was so full of hurt & anger from things I was going through, but also past things I never dealt with.  Hurts & betrayal that I didn’t know what to do with.  Wounds that I never properly treated, so they never fully healed.  I didn’t know how to Love. I couldn’t Love others because I didn’t know how to even Love myself.  All that, created the storm inside me. I didn’t have peace or joy. I didn’t trust those who did. I felt if I couldn’t have it, then it wasn’t real & they were all fakers.  That’s where I was but, I also had this desire stirring inside me. That IF it was possible, IF it was available, IF others actually had Peace & Joy, then I was gonna do whatever & search out whatever until I found it & had it for myself.  So that’s what I continued to do on my spiritual journey.  I Loved Jesus & wanted to Love others the way He was asking me to but, I didn’t know how.  So I just kept asking God for help.  Asking Him to show me. Teach me.  Every year I’ve kept returning to St. Louis excited for whatever He had to teach me. Every years God would speak to me thru the Teachers about whatever I needed to focus on next. Then I’d go home & do it. One year was Love, another getting rid of angry, another finding Peace, another on living in balance, another Trusting God, another Discipline & on & on until now.  SuperStarrs  if you’ve been following me on my  “In The Weighting” Journey then you already know from My 1st Marathon post, that I was on the treadmill running, during a break at this conference, when the Holy Spirit told me, He would help me run a Half Marathon if I really wanted to do it. And the rest is Beautiful History of me sharing my story with SuperStarrs all over.  To give Hope & Encourage them to Start & Shine in their journey wherever God is taking them. To Dream Big Dreams & to know that God Loves them & has Awesome plans for them!!!  That’s YOU!!!  That’s this running ministry!!!  So Super Cool!!!  God is AMAZING!!!

That is why I had to share this all with y’all!!! I never want ya to think that I have it all together, it’s God who holds me together!!!  No mater where you are now, if you are not happy & want to make a change.  He will Help You!!! Just like He did me & you never know what God can do with your story!!!


As I was eating at my favorite foods at my favorite restaurants, realizing this was the close of this season.  I was at peace & have joy for what’s to come.  Did ya hear that???  I HAVE PEACE & JOY!!! What I started searching for, I have today & have had for years. Just kinda forgot where I started, until this past weekend when God gently reminded me. I have unshakeable Peace & Joy now. So much that no matter what changes or losses come, I know in my heart, as long as I have Jesus, I will always have Peace & Joy!!! No one can take that away from me!!! 🙂 It IS Real & I’m not faking!!!

SuperStarrs if you don’t have the Peace & Joy of Jesus, I invite you to check out My Upper Management page for more info on how you can get it!!!

So what makes you want to Get Up & Go???

What adventure are you gonna go on???

Remember You are a SUPERSTARR!!!

Know that YOU are Love by God who has Amazing Blessings for YOU!!!

He is always there, waiting for You!!!

Be patient & make healthy choices while You are “In The Weighting”!!!

My Morning Routine!!!

Hey SuperStarrs, today I’m chatting with you on how important your morning routine can be in helping you to be able to get stuff done!!! Seriously when you are able to get your workout done 1st thing, then you feel so much better, you will have more energy to be able to get more stuff done!!!  So I’m sharing with ya’ll what works for me and hopefully you’ll find a few tips that will help you out in starting off your day.

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I pray that you are having a Fabulous Summer and able to enjoy your family & friends.  Get outside and enjoy this Amazing weather and get some Vitamin D from the Sunshine!!!

SuperStarrs, how do you start your day???

What will you add to your mornings???

When do you get your workouts and Jesus time in???

Where do you get away to be with Jesus and refill your cup…yourself and coffee cup???

Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”!!!

Are You Feeling Drained???

Hello Superstarrs!!!  My family and I are heading back up to Green Bay, WI so that I can run my 4th Half Marathon!!! Here’s some encouragement I want to share with y’all!!!

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What’s so Super Cool is that, this was my First Half Marathon last year. So much has happened in only a year!!! BIG thing is this Blog!!! I had a Dream to succeed and then be able to encourage others, SuperStarrs that’s YOU!!!  I remember last year on my way up having an anxiety attack for the first time ever. I was so nervous and still having just a little doubt of IF I could actually finish. Today I am so confident because God has shown me that I Am Stronger than I thought I was!!! I’m returning already having done 3!!! In my video I shared how I fill myself up with God so that I can overflow onto others without draining myself. I also want to share with you that I L💛VE to read weight loss stories and follow other Christian Health Bloggers so that I am reminded of the opportunity of success available to me. If God has helped them succeed, I know He is gonna help me too!!! God doesn’t have favorites, He loves us all unconditionally. He wants to Bless us all with Health!!!

SuperStarrs Are you feeling drained???

How can you fill yourself up more with God???

What are you going to add to your daily routine so that more of God is flowing in your life???

SuperStarrs what do you do to overflow yourself to others???

Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”!!!


May The 4th Be With You!!!

Hello SuperStarrs, Happy May The 4th, Star Wars Day!!!  In today’s video I share my Super Cool Star Wars Story.  What I learned from Yoda & Luke, in The Empire Strikes Back. Even if you are not a Star Wars fan, there’s an Awesome lesson to learn from my story.
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So in this scene, Luke gets distracted from his ship sinking in the swamp. Immediately he looses focus and has a bad attitude. He drops Yoda and says “Now we’ll never get it out now.” Notice the NEVER? How many times have you said or thought NEVER??? Yoda points out Luke’s negative thinking by asking “So, certain are you? Always with you it can not be done”. We all know people that are always negative or doubting. Some of us are that person. I know I’ve struggled with negative thinking in the past.  Luke defends his actions by saying “Master, moving stones around is one thing, this is Totally different!” Luke is only focused on how much Bigger the problem is, rather than the power he has, that he can use. Yoda again tells Luke, “NO, NO Different. Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned.” We all learned our negative thinking  and doubting from someone or somewhere.  No matter where we picked it up from, we need to unlearn it!!!  Our God is BIGGER than any problem or task we ever will face!!!  With the Holy Spirit in us, we have the Power in us, we just need to use it!!!  So when Luke responds with his half hearted “Alright I’ll give it a try.” He is still doubting that this is ever gonna work.  It’s totally half hearted, just like when ever someone says “I’ll try to make it to your party.” Ya know they probably are not coming. It’s a half hearted attempt. Whenever someone attempts anything half hearted, they truly don’t care or believe it’s possible.  Whenever we care or really want it to happen, we put forth effort to make it happen. We plan ahead, prepare, declutter our schedule, or cancel whatever is in the way of us getting what we want.  There is effort involved. Luke is already believing in his failure, before he even starts.  Then this is where Master Yoda says his famous line “Do or do not. There is no try.”
You either put forth the effort and make it happen or you don’t.  So Luke “Tries” as soon as it gets tough, he quits and then says “I can’t, it’s too Big.” Justifying his quitting. How many times have we quit after only giving a half hearted attempt and then we justify our actions to make ourselves feel better about quitting???  Of course Luke says this to little Yoda, but Yoda replies “ Size matters not, look at me.”. Yoda goes on to tell Luke about the Power of the Force and that it is available for Luke to use. However, Luke still being full of doubt so much that he is not even really listening to Yoda.  He is just not getting it. You can feel it in his response “You want the impossible.” Luke then walks away.  R2 gets Luke’s attention. Luke comes back checks out the ship, no longer in the swamp. The impossible has become possible!!! SUPER COOL!!! He says to Yoda “I don’t believe it.” Yoda responds “That is why you fail.”
So SuperStarrs, we gotta to believe that we can do whatever it is God has called us to do. Whatever we Dream or Desire to do, we can do it.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for help.  That’s our Force Jedi!!!
Believe that You can do it!!!
Then DO THE WORK!!! Ditch the word Try.
One day what was once impossible, you will prove to be POSSIBLE!!!
SuperStarrs, Do you celebrate May 4th, Star Wars day???
Are you a Star Wars fan???
Do you have a favorite character or movie???
Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”!!!

Happy Easter!!!

SuperStarrs, I pray that you are able to have a Blessed Easter Weekend!!!

half marathon,halfmarathon,training,running,run,races,healthylifestyle,wonder woman,wonderwoman,ministry,jesus,god,healthy,superstarr,superstarrs,weightloss,intheweighting,marathon runner,weight loss,weight-loss,weightlosssupport,weightlossjourney,debbierstarr,running girl,runninggirl,spiritual journey,spiritualjourney,Easter, Happy Easter,108

If you don’t have a home church, this is the perfect Sunday to go check a place out.  Easter Sunday services are so Beautiful and the members are expecting you to visit.  You are Welcome, they are expecting YOU, and they have been working hard to prepare for YOUR visit.  There will be many visitors, so you don’t have to feel that you will be the only newbie.  So go celebrate with others!!!

half marathon,halfmarathon,training,running,run,races,healthylifestyle,wonder woman,wonderwoman,ministry,jesus,god,healthy,superstarr,superstarrs,weightloss,intheweighting,marathon runner,weight loss,weight-loss,weightlosssupport,weightlossjourney,debbierstarr,running girl,runninggirl,spiritual journey,spiritualjourney,Easter, Happy Easter, John 19:30, It is finished,105


If you are not a Christian and have questions about what that is all about or who Jesus is,  Check out My Upper Management page.  It’s where I’ve got more info for you.

half marathon,halfmarathon,training,running,run,races,healthylifestyle,wonder woman,wonderwoman,ministry,jesus,god,healthy,superstarr,superstarrs,weightloss,intheweighting,marathon runner,weight loss,weight-loss,weightlosssupport,weightlossjourney,debbierstarr,running girl,runninggirl,spiritual journey,spiritualjourney,Easter, Happy Easter, John 3:16, For God so love the world, 106

I truly believe the reason why Reese’s eggs are so much better than Reese’s cups, is because there is more peanut butter to chocolate ratio!!! If you like M&M’s, then you’d LOVE Cadbury’s mini eggs because they are way better!!! There’s more creamy chocolate and the crunchy shells, make it the best of both worlds!!!  Creamy & Crunchy!!! SUPER YUMMY!!!

Do you have a favorite Easter Treat???

If so, what is it???

What is you favorite thing about Springtime???

Make Healthy Choices!!!

Choose Life!!!

Hello SuperStarrs, in this week’s video I am encouraging you to Choose Life!!!  In all things and every decision, we have a choice to choose life or death.  Even with eating, we have multiple choices throughout the day to Choose Life.
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We don’t have to make eating Healthy so complicated.  We don’t have to spend all day counting calories and figuring up points of what we are eating.  We didn’t get unhealthy from eating too many fruits and veggies.  It was from eating too much sugars, fats and processed foods.  If we are eating mostly good stuff then we have less room for the extra junk food.  To make it simple for my kids all foods go into two main categories.
  1. ALL THE TIME FOODS. Examples are Fruits, Veggies, Whole grains, Lean Meats, Dairy, Nuts, Beans, & Healthy Fats.
  2. SOMETIME FOODS. Examples are Cakes, Cookies, Pie, Ice Cream, Chips, White Breads, Fried Foods, Candy, Soda, Fruit Snacks, and all other Treat Foods.

Basically All The Time Foods, is just that.  They can be eaten all the time.  Even with healthy fats and dairy, they satisfy you and have health benefits to them.  Most people don’t want to drink  whole gallon of milk or a cup of olive oil. Naturally our bodies tell us when we have had enough, and are satisfied. However eating an entire bag of chips, box of cookies or any other process foods are different. The sugar can become addictive leaving you wanting more and more.  The foods have been engineered to keep you eating them, so that you will continue to buy more of their chips, soda, snack cakes etc. Also these foods are high in bad fats, sugar, salts and other chemicals that are artificial.  Because they are not natural, our bodies have a harder time processing them and knowing when we have had enough.  Which is exactly why they should be eaten only sometimes.

God created an AMAZING Garden for us!!!  There are so many different choices and flavors to enjoy.  Have fun exploring.  My favorite ways to eat my veggies is in soups, salads, anything Mexican, Italian dishes and on Pizza!!!
Places you can study for more info.
In the New Testament, Acts 10:9-16 is where Peter has a vision from the Lord.
Mark 7:14-23 Jesus tells us it’s not about what we eat.  It’s all about what we put in our hearts.
What are you going to try???
What is your favorite ways to eat your Veggies???
What ways are you gonna Choose Life???
Remember you are a SuperStarr!!!
Choose Life & Make Healthy Choices while you are “In the Weighting”.

Noah’s Ark Encounter

Hello SuperStarrs!!!  For Spring Break this year we loaded the kids up in the van and road-tripped it to Kentucky to visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.  I’m Super Excited to share with you my experience.  Check out the video below.
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Ark Encounter located in Williamstown, KY
Now that’s a BIG boat!!!
It’s a Super Cool experience to stand outside of it and take in how HUGE it is.
 Even the pictures don’t show how really BIG it is!!!  This is my Beautiful Family!!!
Then you go inside and spend the day walking all around with tons of people.  You realize how MASSIVE it is!!!  We are standing in front of the door.  Nobody noticed the cross on the door, until after the pics were taken.
Outside they have a Zoo!!! My Brave Girl wanted to ride all by herself!!!
My Niece Olpie and & I took a ride too!!!
SuperStarrs what do you feel God is asking of you to do???
How are you going to take action to be obedient???
Have you visited the Ark Encounter???
What was your take away???
Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”.

What I Learned Watching, Leah Remini: Scientology And The Aftermath

Hello SuperStarrs, you are probably wondering why I am talking about Scientology today.  In the video below I explain my thoughts and the message of how our thoughts and beliefs effect our actions.

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What lies have you been believing???

What Truth replaces those lies???

Are you gonna use the Truth to fight against those lies???

Do you have a Broken Spirit???

Are you going to get help and allow the healing to begin???

Do you have a Cheerful mind???

Are you gonna fight to have a Cheerful mind???

Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”.

Remember You are a SuperStarr!!!