CrAzY With A Purpose!!!

Hey SuperStarrs, have you ever felt SUPER EXCITED about something and so you start to share it with someone hoping they will be just as stoked as you.  Instead you end up disappointed because not only are they not excited, but they look at you like you are CrAzY!!!  They not only are not excited. They don’t care at all!!!  I have experienced this a few times.  I know how disappointing it can be and the possibility of their words trying to talk you out of your dream.  That is why I knew I needed to share with y’all that it’s all good if people think you are CrAzY.  In fact I LOVE it now!!! Let me explain more.

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People with no passion will NEVER be able to get it.  To them they feel it’s obsessive.  They may even call you a fanatic or excessive about your exercising or commitment to eating healthy.  To someone who doesn’t care or has no interest, any amount seems too much or obsessive.  So they don’t see passion, they see obsessive.  Like I said I LOVE it now when people look at me like I’m CrAzY!!!  It reminds me that what I am doing and have already accomplished isn’t easy!!!  It’s been God, hard work & dedication, that has helped me run my 7 Half Marathon Races. Also, because I know that God has Super Cool things for me, when I listen & obey.  I know that I am CrAzY, but I’m CrAzY with a purpose!!!  I know this now, however when I first started on my In The Weighting Journey a few times I started to allow the dream killers words to make me question.  To start to question,

IF this could really happen???

WHY would God ever choose to help me???

WHAT would I have to give up???

WOULD it really be worth all the hard work it’d take to get there???

WHAT if I failed again???

The problem with all of the questions I had was each one was full of self doubt.  I quickly realized.  Was I gonna believe them or believe God???  I choose to fill my mind with life giving thoughts.  Thoughts of,

What would I look like when I got there???

How much more energy could I have after losing all this extra weight???

If God has helped other people achieve their dreams & goal, Why not me???

What it would feel like to receive my bling after running my 1st Half Marathon???

How would it feel to shop at those store again???

Who could I help encourage & pass hope to???

What a world of possibilities could I open up for myself, if I didn’t have all this extra weight???

How many different adventures could God take me on, if I’d just Trust & Believe Him???

I decided I wanted to Trust & Believe God.  Because He has promised me & you, that ALL things are possible with Him!!!  Jesus said, “What is impossible with man IS possible with God!!!” Luke 18:27  As I encountered different times of people saying things or simply looking at me like I’m CrAzY.  I quickly realized that if I allowed myself to meditate on their words, I could easily become discouraged, which could lead to me giving up.  I decided that it doesn’t matter what others think of me, I only care what God thinks of me!!!

I made a video called Choose Life, where I talked about choosing life when making food choices but, SuperStarrs we can choose life in our thoughts too.  We can choose to meditate on God’s Word, His Promises, and thoughts that give us peace, joy, & hope.

Remember SuperStarrs, that not everyone is gonna be stoked for you, but know that God always is!!!  He is cheering for you to do great!!! He is excited for all the good things He has for your future.  He declares, “For I know the plans I have for you.  They are plans for good, not harm, to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11  Know that I am also praying & cheering for you!!!  Surround yourself with as much love as you can!!!  Has there been a time in your past when God was there you for???  I’m talking like a healing, miracle, answered prayer or just a time you got a God wink.  You had a need, you ask God for help & you were taken care of.  Remember those times and use it to think about whenever you feel doubt or discouragement start to creep in.  Kill it then.  Say to yourself,

“God helped me before, He will do it again.”

“God’s helping me. I’m not doing this alone.”

“God has promised me a good future, so I’m working hard to get it!!!”

Kill those negative thoughts & doubts before they have a chance to kill your dream!!!  Replace them with God’s promises & dream about the AWESOME future God has for you!!!

SuperStarrs, have you ever had someone question your passion by calling you obsessive, fanatic or excessive???

How will you handle it the next time it happens???

What are you passionate about???

Are you putting Faith into Action???

Be Patient & make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting“!!!

You Can Ask

SuperStarrs, I want you to know that, You Can Ask God for whatever you are dreaming of!!!  Maybe you have Never heard that before and think it sounds selfish.  Maybe you have but you are just not asking.  In today’s video I am sharing all about asking and to keep asking!!!  This video is proof that God answers us if we take it to Him, ask and work towards what we are dreaming.  Us working towards it, is us showing Him our faith that we believe that He will help us to achieve it.   Whatever “It” is.

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God Loves You More than you could ever love yourself!!!  He wants you to do Great things. He wants you to have Peace, Love, Joy, & Success.  As I am putting this post all together I am being reminded of this truth!!! This video was recorded in July of this past Summer & as I was watching & editing it I realized that I am looking at the face of the old me. Even though it was just a few months ago I can totally see in my face that God is still moving me towards my end goal.  Step by Step, pound by pound. So incase you were watching this video & wondering if I have gained weight back, NO. I just had others that I wanted to share before posting this message.  However the Super Cool thing is that sometimes we can think that the progress we have made isn’t really making a difference. Then you see yourself in a video or picture & realize that progress is happening!!! I’m here to tell ya every bit is still progress & it IS making a difference.  Not just in your life but, in every person that is watching you!!!  Just the other day as I was going thru the Starbucks drive-thru, the baristas, two of them said “Girl you are shrinking so small. Your face is so different.”.  Of course it TOTALLY brighten my day, in fact today I’m still talking about it!!! 🙂  My point is that they see me every time I treat myself to delicious Starbucks. Which might be pretty frequent. 😉  They can tell that God is doing an Amazing Healing in me.  Another Super Cool experience of this happening was last year at Joyce Meyer Love Life Conference.  I’ll never forget talking with a couple ladies before a session & when they asked me my age.  I told them & they both responded with “Wow I though you were in your 20’s!!!”  That felt so Amazingly Super Cool!!! Especially since I’m 37 & getting closer to 40 than my 30’s. You can’t buy anything anti-aging like that!!!  An added bonus of losing weight slow & controlled is your skin has time to tighten up while it’s healing.  God used the healing of my skin to be able to show these ladies the benefits of drinking water, sleeping & eating from God’s garden.  That it’s not just weight loss, there is so much more to be able to enjoy on this journey!!! I was able to share with them my website & social media accounts so that they could continue hearing me share my story of healing.  While they all are watching this Determined Debbie do this Amazing transformation it opens the door for them to ask me how & what I am doing.  That’s when I am able to share Jesus with them.  Because I can’t share my story without sharing Jesus.  He Is my story!!!  My pray & hope is that they will be inspired of what God can do for them!!!  What God has done for me He can & wants to do for them too!!!  And for YOU!!!  Just start asking & He will lead & guide you where He wants to take you.  Who would of thought that God could use someone losing weight & getting healthy to share His message of Healing & Hope.  He did!!!

SuperStarrs Remember Matthew 7:7-12 Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking!!!

What have you been wanting to ask God for???

When are you gonna start asking???

Who will be effected or inspired from watching you on your “In The Weighting” Journey???

SuperStarrs, what are you waiting for???

Ask, Seek & Knock.  God is waiting & listening.  Just ask!!!

Be patient & make healthy choices while you are “In The Weighting“!!!

It’s A Wonderful Life!!!

SuperStarrs, it Really is A Wonderful Life!!!  I think we all have days when we need reminded of all that we have to be Thankful!!!  In today’s video I’m sharing all of that and so much more.  It’s A Wonderful Life is one of my Favorite Holiday movies but it’s not just a Christmas Movie.  It’s so much more!!! Watch & Listen.

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Watching Jimmy Stewart in this movie reminds me so much of my Grandpa, Darrell Hawkins. He was tall, slender, handsome and dressed like Classic Hollywood Actor.  Grandpa always wore slacks, nice sweaters & hats.  He had a cool collection of hats!!! And I’m not talking about the beanies & stocking caps guys wear now because they are to lazy to comb their hair. Grandpa did always had a comb in his back pocket to fix his hair whenever he got caught in a wind storm.  However its not just about his appearance and the memories of watching this movie with him.  It’s more about the story of a man trying to do the right thing but somehow there’s always some new obstacle to overcome.  My Grandpa might not have had a lot of worldly riches but he did have the most important!!! He was rich in his Faith, Hope & Love!!!  He loved Jesus & his Family!!! My 1st memories of my Grandpa is driving me to Sunday School in the church bus.  He shared God’s love for everyone, with everyone, everywhere he went.  In fact it was just this Summer that I found out, he was written up a few times at work for sharing Jesus & praying with others at work.  He often left reading material in the men’s bathroom. This happened so frequently that the company encouraged him to retire early!!! I LOVE IT!!!  I just wonder how many guys were encouraged or learned for the 1st time of God’s love for them while reading during their bathroom break???  My Grandpa is now with Jesus, so he knows and I will be patient “In The Weighting” until I get there, to find out.  My Grandpa raised 7 boys… yes you read that right SEVEN BOYS!!!  My Grandparents tried & tried to have a girl, seven boys later decided it wasn’t happening for them but, then I was the 1st born Grandchild!!! 🙂  However that’s another story for another time.  My point is that My Grandpa’s Children carry on the Hawkins legacy & name.  In fact at our Hawkins Reunion every year, we make up over 2/3 of the people that attend.  If ever we all decided to stop going they’d only have a handful of people there.  I am the oldest of 18 Grandkids, there’s currently 18 Great Grandkids and another one on the way due in March.  Grandpa was the youngest of 6 in his family so he did come from a big family. He just really lived out the “be fruitful & multiply” verse found in Genesis 1:28.


My Grandpa Darrell Hawkins on the left Jimmy Stewart on the right.

My point is My Grandpa was Awesome & I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY HAWKINS FAMILY!!! We are not perfect & we have had our share of drama throughout the years. As with ALL families.  You can’t do life with this many people and not have had it!!!  We have all made a lot of great memories along the way.  We all live our own lives & do our own adventures but we also make time a few times a year, to get together to make more memories!!! We always know that we have each others back!!!  I know that is such a Blessing because not every family has what we Hawkins have!!! (Yes I know I’m a SuperStarr now but I’ll always be a Hawkins!!!)  Ya see what some people have and take for granted, others are praying for!!!

Even if you don’t like the house you live in, someone is praying for one.

Your job really sucks somedays, someone is praying to get hired where you work.

You son or daughter is being high maintenance this season, someone is praying to become a parent.

You’ve been frustrated with your spouse lately, someone single is praying to find their future spouse.

So SuperStarrs, we all have something to Thank God for.  Even if we are not where we want to be or have what we want, we can still be rich in Faith, Hope & Love!!!  It’s up to us everyday to continue choosing them!!!  We choose how rich in them we want to be.  No one is in control of our thinking or actions but us!!! No matter how others treat us, we can choose Faith, Hope & Love in Jesus!!!  The Greatest of these is Love!!! Love God, others & ourselves!!! When we keep it simple then, we can really see It IS A Wonderful Life!!!

SuperStarrs, I really want you to know that You matter & God’s got Great plans for YOU!!! There will never be another You!!! My Husband has identical twin. Even though they both look & act alike, they are both two totally different people. God is using both of them for different purposes that they can only do!!!  Bob builds & fixes with his hands.  Bernie plays drums & helps lead worship for his church.  Bernie can’t build a house & Bob can’t play the drums.  They are both irreplaceable for their purpose.  You can not be replaced!!! It’s so important for you to know this truth!!!  If you have believed a lie, then replace it with this Truth.  You are Loved & Irreplaceable!!! Having a healthy mind will help you to be successful on your journey.  Our thoughts become our actions. Our actions become our habits. Having healthy habits lead to having a healthy mind & body.  That’s the end goal!!!

Who are you Thankful for???

How is Your Life Wonderful???

What are you gonna start doing to choose Faith, Hope & Love daily???

Remember You are a SuperStarr!!!

Be Patient & Make Healthy Choices while You are “In The Weighting”!!!



My 6th Half Marathon!!!

SuperStarrs, I pray you are having a Fabulous Fall!!!  I am so thankful for the cooler running weather.  The trees are changing colors and the sunsets are so colorful this time of year.  I have been just so grateful for all that God has been doing this season.  Especially the fact that I just completed My 6th Half Marathon!!! I can no longer count on one hand, how many Half Marathons I’ve ran.  🙂  I’m amazed that what I once felt was impossible for me to ever do, I’ve now done 6 Times!!!  And I’m not done. The next day I was online looking up my next race.  LOL!!!  God is So Great!!!  He helps us to get to where we want to be.  All we have to do is ask Him to help us & He is with us every step of the way!!! Then before we know it we are doing it, have done it & are working towards getting better, stronger, faster!!! Some days can be weary and we can feel like we might never get there but, if we keep on keeping on we will get there.


For more pics from this race follow me on Instagram.

This race was the Whiskeydaddle in Peoria, IL & I ran The Bottle, which is the Half Marathon.  This race had perfect cool Fall weather which we were all thankful for.

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The morning started off like my other races before. Feeling a bit sleepy from not really sleeping well the night before. I am always nervous about sleeping thru my alarm and not making it to the race on time.  Adrenaline is pumping and I am having to keep a balance. So I have to remind myself to run fast while I’m fresh and not as tired but also not too fast where I am burnt out and have nothing left for the last part of the race.  I might feel super fast for a few miles but I have to run 13.1 to finish.  So after 3 miles in, a guy on the sidelines cheering for us says to me “I am proud of you!!! You are a role model!!!”.  I said “Thank You.” & smiled back. But for the next four miles his words were like on repeat in my mind.  Of course the whole time I am just thanking God for the transformation He has done for me in my life.

Ya see the day before I was with my best friends from grade school & high school, Andrea & Cristy. My dearest friend Cristy’s Grandpa had passed away.  So all of the family was gathering together to celebrate Grandpa Rasmussen’s Life.  Growing up I was a part of their family. Most nights I was gathered at their table for dinner & helped wash dishes afterward.  Whenever I wanted to stay the night I knew I just had to bake up some Texas Brownies for her Dad, Tony.  Her Mom, Rita taught me so much about being a Wife & Mom.  It was such a Blessings growing up with all of them. I will always be Thankful for them sharing all they had with me.  During those years I was so rebellious. I smoked, drank, cursed and anything else I could to tick people off.  I was always disrespecting any one who would try to control or rule over me. So of course that cause major problems for me in school and with a lot of kids & their parents.  Honestly I was a hurting kid who was just trying to hurt others but, mostly myself.  A role model I was not!!!  I was the poster child of angry teenager & who not to let you kid hang out with!!! Seriously, I really had other parents tell their kids that they couldn’t hang out with me.  Anyways, all thru the day of being together, we shared stories of the crazy stuff we did, and all the drama that we survived.  It was so funny hearing some of it from the parents point of view.  Her Dad questioning the guys we were into. “Why are they going to listen to him, That guy can’t even sing”. LOL!!!

All of those stories & who I had been, was fresh on my mind & heart, when that guy called me a “Role Model”.  The night before I had spent time thanking God that I was no longer that kid any more!!!  I thanked him for the friendships that became family. I thanked him for them showing me Jesus!!!  When I was hungry they feed me, when I was thirsty they gave me drink, when I was a stranger they invited me in.  Luckily I never ever did go to jail for anything. LOL!!! THANK GOD!!! But I know that if I had they would have loved me thru it!!!  When I moved to Mackinaw it was my 6th school move and we were beginning jr. high. Not a fun time to be trying to make new friends.  I was a stranger and they invited me into their family.  They always loved God & showed it by loving others.  They never preached to me, they showed me. They were Matthew 25:35-40 in action. I know I am where I am today because of The Rasmussen Family!!!

So as I am running I just continue to think about where I was and where I am now. How Awesome God is!!! That Jesus loved me thru all my junk. Thru all my hurts & He healed me thru so much. It’s been years since I smoked or acted like that angry teen. I know He has had Great plans for my life from the beginning.  I feel like I see now why the devil was working so hard to try and take me out.  If I’d kept smoking there is no way I’d be running now. I am just so grateful that He is choosing to use the opposite of what the devil wanted to & tried to take me out with.

God has given me Health & Energy. Smoking & partying was robbing me of my health & energy. They were only temporary highs, followed by a painful crash. I remember when I was trying to quit smoking, I thought it was impossible. Now it’s been 16 years!!! God has given me Peace & Joy!!! So much that I forgot how angry & hurt I once was!!!  The enemy constantly reminded me of my hurts which only kept stirring up my angry, making me bitter.  I do have some bad days, but nothing compared to what I used to have without Jesus!!! On my bad days I cry out to Jesus!!! He always helps me!!!

As I was meditating on all God has done for me and in me, it just fired me up to continue running my race, not just the one I was running but my “In The Weighting” Journey.  Being told I am a “Role Model”. WOW!!! SERIOUSLY, WOW!!! GOD IS SO AMAZING!!! So about this time I realize that I have been pacing back and forth with a lady & her dog.  He was Super Cute and I’m not prideful, but I wasn’t gonna be beat by a dog!!!  LOL!!! So I kicked it up and before I knew it I was Halfway, Mile 7!!! The added bonus was My Cheering section was there, Bob & the kids were waiting for me!!!

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This race really did seem to go by much faster than the others before, because it really was faster than any race before!!! As I continue to run I am more & more determined to PR this race.  So I kept pushing myself to keep up a faster pace. By the time I hit 10 miles I was getting tired but I kept going. I kept digging deep to keep myself from slowing down. When I hit Mile 12, I kicked it up and kept telling myself to “run hard”.  “I’m not tired yet”.  “I’ll rest when I’m done”.  “I’ve got just this last mile to run & make a difference of my time, after that I can do nothing the rest of the day”.  That last mile I past a lot of walkers and everyone who saw me knew I was on a mission. Determined Debbie Full Starr Power!!!

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The Rush when I cross that finish line is always Amazing!!! It’s the Highest High!!!  Even though I was tired & sore for a few days, it was a great reminder of how hard I worked & what I had done!!!  On that Sunday, I had ran a Half Marathon before most people were out of church or even out of bed!!!

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I Totally earned my Bling this race!!! I finished 2:56:37 Making this my 3rd race under 3 hours & 2 min & 8 secs faster than my Green Bay time in May!!!  Making this my Fastest race, so far!!!


Check out My BLING!!!

I want to say Thank You SuperStarrs!!!  Thanks for reading my post, watching my videos, liking my pics & for every encouraging message & comment you write me!!! I love hearing from y’all!!!  I pray I am able to encourage you all to Dream Big Dreams!!!  Even if you think they are impossible, with God All Things Are Possible!!! Jesus said it & I Believe it, because I am living it everyday!!!


SuperStarrs Remember that you are Loved!!!

Jesus thinks You are to die for!!!

Whatever Dream you have stirring in you, take it to God, & ask for His Help!!!

Believe & Trust God!!!

Be patient while you are “In The Weighting” & Make Healthy Choices!!!


What I Learned From Forrest Gump!!!

Hello SuperStarrs, as you can see from the title, today I’m sharing what I learned about myself while watching Forrest Gump!!!  Enjoy!!!
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SuperStarrs, I am here to encourage you to Believe in Yourself!!!  Don’t allow any negative thoughts & doubts to keep you from what you want to do.  PERIOD.  If you have ever thought, “I wish I could run.” or “It would be so cool to run a race.”, then START!!!  Start with walking and keep adding as you get stronger.  As long as you don’t quit, you will eventually be able to run.  You will eventually run that race!!!  If you quit or never start then,  you are guaranteed to never run. However when you become determined that no matter how long it takes you will run, you will run that race, then YOU WILL!!!  Also don’t get so caught up in having to run the whole race.  There are a lot of walkers & run/walkers completing races. Whether they are 5K’s or Marathons.  Run or Walk your own race!!!  Just because someone else did this or that, doesn’t mean you have too.  We are all running our own race at our own pace in this life.  I Love to hang out with other’s who are faster & stronger than me, because it allows me to Dream Bigger!!! I don’t allow it to discredit what I have done or what I am focusing on now!!!  There is a Big difference between inspiration & comparison. Comparison will easily fill you with pride or discourage you because, they will always be someone doing less or more than you.  So Please don’t let that become a distraction that sets you up to fail.  We are all SuperStarrs who shine differently!!!  Just Keep Shining!!!  Becoming inspired by those around you, will get you dreaming, you feel moved to do something, and it allows your creative juices to flow.  You hear & see what others have done & you dream of how you can do this or that, your way!!!  Discovering new ways to use your gifts & talents.  Staying inspired keeps your momentum up during your journey!!!
If you are currently dealing with an injury or weakness that needs to be strengthened, stay patient.  Know that if you allow your body to heal & properly treat your injury, then in time you will be back to 100%.  Keep lifting & doing those exercises!!!  Every lift is making you stronger!!!
SuperStarrs, have you ever Dreamed of crossing a finishline???
If so, What’s stopping You???
Are you working towards a Race now???
Be Patient & Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”.