Purpose Of Winter!!!

Hey SuperStarrs, when I started getting healthy, I began saying “I want to wear out, not rust out!!!”.  Basically meaning I realized I wanted to age well & be able to use my body until I can’t anymore, rather than “rusting out” like the Tin Man.  Just sitting around until nothing works anymore.  I’ve seen many older people just sit around & then when they want to be able to do something physically, they can’t because they didn’t maintain their physical fitness.  While working in the salon, there were many woman who would come in to have their hair washed & styled each week, because their arms were too weak to do their own hair.  I learned then, that if we don’t use it, we loose it!!!  So that fired me up to keep my strength up & get moving.  However, God has been teaching me lately that it’s ALL about balance!!! In either direction it can be harmful.  Truth is I don’t want to wear out either!!!  I want to stay healthy & strong all the days of my life.  So if you have seen or heard me say before that “I want to wear out not rust out”.  I’m sorry & still on my Journey of “In The Weighting“.  As God teaches me along the way, I will continue to share & be real with y’all.  Watch video to hear me share more.

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Recently I had a day where I was just exhausted.  I was struggling to keep my eyes open. My Monday morning started off normal and so I went running off into the day checking things off my to-do list.  Kids off to school, Run done, Showered, House Cleaning done and then I realized that I could squeeze in a nap before the kids got home.  So as I was laying so thankful that I was blessed with this moment to rest, I started thinking of other things I could be doing if I didn’t nap & asking myself “Who naps in the middle of the day???  Really who does this???” realizing I hadn’t done this since the kids were little & still getting up thru out the night.  Just as I was starting to feel a bit guilty for taking a much needed rest, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me ” Not everyone has ran 16+ miles, served at church, taken care of family members problems, encouraged others online, worked on a Baby Shower & Birthday party, all while still taking care of their own family by serving them by all that it takes being a Wife & Mom in the past 72 hours!!!”  I then realized I had earned & truly needed the rest my body was s l o w l y telling me to take.  The body can only take so much before it says “I’m done. Outta fuel. Battery empty”.  Isn’t funny SuperStarrs how we won’t let our cell phones run down until they die or allow our cars to run out of gas but we somehow allow it for ourselves.  That’s so not right because truth is we can buy another cell phone or car but we only have this one body, period.  No matter how advanced Science & Medicine gets, nothing will ever replace us!!!  We take time to refuel our cars when the low fuel light comes on.  We charge our cell phones nightly so that we will wake up to a fully charged battery for the day, but how many people don’t take the time to sleep to make sure they are fully charged for the day???   If the dirt, trees & flowers take time to rest & recharge, with only one job to do, then that should show us how much more we need it!!!  If you struggle with getting a good night’s rest check out “Where To Start” to hear more!!!

I hope to get ya to take some time to slow down where you can & purposely schedule rest for yourself.  Look at what you are doing & ask yourself if you really need to be doing that task.  Or can someone else help or take over???  There are things that only we can do but then there are other things we just do.  Where can you get help?  If you can hire it done great!!! I’m not talking like we can all afford maids & personal assistants.  However do you have a child you can train to take over the task while giving them a few bucks???  Even if it’s not done exactly how you’d like, a half swept floor is better than an unswept floor!!! Remember they are in training!!! How many years have you been doing it your way???  Ya never know they could surprise you with a better way!!! If you don’t have kids or they are grown, what about a niece or a neighbor kid??? What about where you serve? Are there others that you can train so that you can have a break sometimes???  Are there things you are doing simply because you have always done it but nobody even cares about it but you??? I’ve been totally guilty of this one!!!  There are certain traditions or decorating that my family doesn’t care about if they get done or not.  So if my chalkboard doesn’t get a new saying weekly or monthly 😉 there’s no real harm done.  They don’t even notice until it’s changed and even then they are not keeping track of when it was done last.  My point is that we sometimes just do more than what we really need to do.  That can add stress & anxiousness that steals our peace, joy & rest!!!

So SuperStarrs How are gonna purposely get rest???

Do you already practice rest??? If so please share any tips with us!!!

What are you gonna do differently with your schedule???

Who can you get to help you???

When are you gonna take time for your God Date???

Remember You are a SuperStarr!!!

Be patient & make healthy choices while you are “In The Weighting“!!!

My 7th Half Marathon!!!

Hello SuperStarrs!!! Today I am sharing all about My 7th Half Marathon!!!  I’m still Amazed that I can say that I’ve ran SEVEN Half Marathons!!!  GOD IS SUPER GREAT!!! Watch the video to hear all about my Loiusville, Kentucky Half Marathon Race, that I ran Sunday, November 12th, 2017.

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I can not say it enough that if you can Dream It, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!!!  God has placed those Dreams inside you for a purpose. Just start!!!  Do what you can do now and you will get stronger.  Then before you know it you will be able to do more. Someday you’ll look back on what seemed impossible once, you are now doing!!!  Or have done it SEVEN times!!!

Start Dreaming & Don’t Stop Believing!!!

What can you start doing today???

How can YOU change YOUR future???

Remember God Loves YOU and YOU ARE A SUPERSTARR!!!

Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting“!!!

My 6th Half Marathon!!!

SuperStarrs, I pray you are having a Fabulous Fall!!!  I am so thankful for the cooler running weather.  The trees are changing colors and the sunsets are so colorful this time of year.  I have been just so grateful for all that God has been doing this season.  Especially the fact that I just completed My 6th Half Marathon!!! I can no longer count on one hand, how many Half Marathons I’ve ran.  🙂  I’m amazed that what I once felt was impossible for me to ever do, I’ve now done 6 Times!!!  And I’m not done. The next day I was online looking up my next race.  LOL!!!  God is So Great!!!  He helps us to get to where we want to be.  All we have to do is ask Him to help us & He is with us every step of the way!!! Then before we know it we are doing it, have done it & are working towards getting better, stronger, faster!!! Some days can be weary and we can feel like we might never get there but, if we keep on keeping on we will get there.


For more pics from this race follow me on Instagram.

This race was the Whiskeydaddle in Peoria, IL & I ran The Bottle, which is the Half Marathon.  This race had perfect cool Fall weather which we were all thankful for.

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The morning started off like my other races before. Feeling a bit sleepy from not really sleeping well the night before. I am always nervous about sleeping thru my alarm and not making it to the race on time.  Adrenaline is pumping and I am having to keep a balance. So I have to remind myself to run fast while I’m fresh and not as tired but also not too fast where I am burnt out and have nothing left for the last part of the race.  I might feel super fast for a few miles but I have to run 13.1 to finish.  So after 3 miles in, a guy on the sidelines cheering for us says to me “I am proud of you!!! You are a role model!!!”.  I said “Thank You.” & smiled back. But for the next four miles his words were like on repeat in my mind.  Of course the whole time I am just thanking God for the transformation He has done for me in my life.

Ya see the day before I was with my best friends from grade school & high school, Andrea & Cristy. My dearest friend Cristy’s Grandpa had passed away.  So all of the family was gathering together to celebrate Grandpa Rasmussen’s Life.  Growing up I was a part of their family. Most nights I was gathered at their table for dinner & helped wash dishes afterward.  Whenever I wanted to stay the night I knew I just had to bake up some Texas Brownies for her Dad, Tony.  Her Mom, Rita taught me so much about being a Wife & Mom.  It was such a Blessings growing up with all of them. I will always be Thankful for them sharing all they had with me.  During those years I was so rebellious. I smoked, drank, cursed and anything else I could to tick people off.  I was always disrespecting any one who would try to control or rule over me. So of course that cause major problems for me in school and with a lot of kids & their parents.  Honestly I was a hurting kid who was just trying to hurt others but, mostly myself.  A role model I was not!!!  I was the poster child of angry teenager & who not to let you kid hang out with!!! Seriously, I really had other parents tell their kids that they couldn’t hang out with me.  Anyways, all thru the day of being together, we shared stories of the crazy stuff we did, and all the drama that we survived.  It was so funny hearing some of it from the parents point of view.  Her Dad questioning the guys we were into. “Why are they going to listen to him, That guy can’t even sing”. LOL!!!

All of those stories & who I had been, was fresh on my mind & heart, when that guy called me a “Role Model”.  The night before I had spent time thanking God that I was no longer that kid any more!!!  I thanked him for the friendships that became family. I thanked him for them showing me Jesus!!!  When I was hungry they feed me, when I was thirsty they gave me drink, when I was a stranger they invited me in.  Luckily I never ever did go to jail for anything. LOL!!! THANK GOD!!! But I know that if I had they would have loved me thru it!!!  When I moved to Mackinaw it was my 6th school move and we were beginning jr. high. Not a fun time to be trying to make new friends.  I was a stranger and they invited me into their family.  They always loved God & showed it by loving others.  They never preached to me, they showed me. They were Matthew 25:35-40 in action. I know I am where I am today because of The Rasmussen Family!!!

So as I am running I just continue to think about where I was and where I am now. How Awesome God is!!! That Jesus loved me thru all my junk. Thru all my hurts & He healed me thru so much. It’s been years since I smoked or acted like that angry teen. I know He has had Great plans for my life from the beginning.  I feel like I see now why the devil was working so hard to try and take me out.  If I’d kept smoking there is no way I’d be running now. I am just so grateful that He is choosing to use the opposite of what the devil wanted to & tried to take me out with.

God has given me Health & Energy. Smoking & partying was robbing me of my health & energy. They were only temporary highs, followed by a painful crash. I remember when I was trying to quit smoking, I thought it was impossible. Now it’s been 16 years!!! God has given me Peace & Joy!!! So much that I forgot how angry & hurt I once was!!!  The enemy constantly reminded me of my hurts which only kept stirring up my angry, making me bitter.  I do have some bad days, but nothing compared to what I used to have without Jesus!!! On my bad days I cry out to Jesus!!! He always helps me!!!

As I was meditating on all God has done for me and in me, it just fired me up to continue running my race, not just the one I was running but my “In The Weighting” Journey.  Being told I am a “Role Model”. WOW!!! SERIOUSLY, WOW!!! GOD IS SO AMAZING!!! So about this time I realize that I have been pacing back and forth with a lady & her dog.  He was Super Cute and I’m not prideful, but I wasn’t gonna be beat by a dog!!!  LOL!!! So I kicked it up and before I knew it I was Halfway, Mile 7!!! The added bonus was My Cheering section was there, Bob & the kids were waiting for me!!!

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This race really did seem to go by much faster than the others before, because it really was faster than any race before!!! As I continue to run I am more & more determined to PR this race.  So I kept pushing myself to keep up a faster pace. By the time I hit 10 miles I was getting tired but I kept going. I kept digging deep to keep myself from slowing down. When I hit Mile 12, I kicked it up and kept telling myself to “run hard”.  “I’m not tired yet”.  “I’ll rest when I’m done”.  “I’ve got just this last mile to run & make a difference of my time, after that I can do nothing the rest of the day”.  That last mile I past a lot of walkers and everyone who saw me knew I was on a mission. Determined Debbie Full Starr Power!!!

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The Rush when I cross that finish line is always Amazing!!! It’s the Highest High!!!  Even though I was tired & sore for a few days, it was a great reminder of how hard I worked & what I had done!!!  On that Sunday, I had ran a Half Marathon before most people were out of church or even out of bed!!!

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I Totally earned my Bling this race!!! I finished 2:56:37 Making this my 3rd race under 3 hours & 2 min & 8 secs faster than my Green Bay time in May!!!  Making this my Fastest race, so far!!!


Check out My BLING!!!

I want to say Thank You SuperStarrs!!!  Thanks for reading my post, watching my videos, liking my pics & for every encouraging message & comment you write me!!! I love hearing from y’all!!!  I pray I am able to encourage you all to Dream Big Dreams!!!  Even if you think they are impossible, with God All Things Are Possible!!! Jesus said it & I Believe it, because I am living it everyday!!!


SuperStarrs Remember that you are Loved!!!

Jesus thinks You are to die for!!!

Whatever Dream you have stirring in you, take it to God, & ask for His Help!!!

Believe & Trust God!!!

Be patient while you are “In The Weighting” & Make Healthy Choices!!!


Find What Makes You Get Up & Go!!!

SuperStarrs this video I took this past weekend when I was at the Love Life Women’s Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.  Which is always a great time of getting refueled and encouraged while hanging out with thousands of ladies!!!

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So if you are saying, “Debbie, I don’t have anything that make me want to get up & go.” Then guess what ya gotta find it!!!  You can start by remembering what you liked to do as a kid.  Did you dance, tumble, or play sports? Was it in a group setting or did you prefer going solo? Did you enjoy playing for fun or did competition help motivate you? Take some time to remember what you made you feel good, while having fun. Did you enjoy jumping rope, bike riding, swimming, or lifting weights? Do you like routine or constantly changing things up?  If you were never very active before you can start now.  Be adventurous!!!  Take a dance class or sign up for swim class at your local YMCA if you enjoy meeting new people. If working out alone is your thing, then stay home & push play on a workout DVD. Don’t have one, then YouTube whatever you looking for.  Anyone can grab your sneakers & music and get outside for a walk.  You’ll enjoy the fresh air, sunshine & be able to build up to miles.  Then someday start walk/run & then you’ll be running before ya know it!!!  The point is, just start with something. Try it, if you are not feeling it then move onto something else. Keep going until you find your thing!!! You will still be burning calories & sweating until you find it.

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You can check out more of my pics from St. Louis on my Instagram @debbierstarr!!!

For me I love to run for many reasons. Number one is I love to eat & I love to eat carbs!!! Running allows me to burn off & refuel with carbs!!! I also enjoy being outside, getting fresh air & sunshine all year round!!!  Smelling the lilacs in the Spring, getting some color on my skin in the Summer, watching the trees change colors & the welcomed cool weather in the Fall, & making footprints as I crunch in the snow in the Winter, all these changes keep my runs always fresh & new. It never gets boring & when I travel I get to actually see places that I wouldn’t if I was just driving. Another Love is I get to put music in my ears & drowned out the rest of the noise of the world.  This Mom needs her music & a break from the latest Disney Movie my Daughter is obsessed with. (Currently it is Moana.) Occasionally I’ll meet up with friends, but most of the time I run solo.  It works for me.  It’s my therapy a lot of days. Even on tough days, I’m able to run off stressed energy, while talking to God about what’s going on. I always feel better after my runs!!!  I’ve never regretted a run.

Whatever you choose, start by slowly adding that into your schedule. Start off slow and add as you can do more.  If you haven’t rode a bike in 15 years, don’t hop on and try to do a 10 mile ride.  The goal is to feel good afterwards, not struggling to walk for the next week. Even if you just did around the block, that progress from just sitting on the couch.  Remember to stretch & stay hydrated!!!


This year was the last year to be held annually in St. Louis.  Next year it’s moving to Tampa, FL and then on from there.  With all change there is bittersweetness to it.  For the past eight years I’ve road tripped it down to St. Louis mostly with the same core group of ladies and one year solo. (I was prego with baby girl & knew it needed to be a solo trip so that I wouldn’t have to share a bed or bathroom & that I could nap & have quiet time when I needed it. True friends understand when you are honest about your needs & they’ll never try to make you feel bad.)  So this past weekend was a great time of reflection. Remembering where I was spiritually & physically when I First started coming & then where I am today.  It started with me healing spiritually then has progressed to physically.  Thinking back, I was so full of hurt & anger from things I was going through, but also past things I never dealt with.  Hurts & betrayal that I didn’t know what to do with.  Wounds that I never properly treated, so they never fully healed.  I didn’t know how to Love. I couldn’t Love others because I didn’t know how to even Love myself.  All that, created the storm inside me. I didn’t have peace or joy. I didn’t trust those who did. I felt if I couldn’t have it, then it wasn’t real & they were all fakers.  That’s where I was but, I also had this desire stirring inside me. That IF it was possible, IF it was available, IF others actually had Peace & Joy, then I was gonna do whatever & search out whatever until I found it & had it for myself.  So that’s what I continued to do on my spiritual journey.  I Loved Jesus & wanted to Love others the way He was asking me to but, I didn’t know how.  So I just kept asking God for help.  Asking Him to show me. Teach me.  Every year I’ve kept returning to St. Louis excited for whatever He had to teach me. Every years God would speak to me thru the Teachers about whatever I needed to focus on next. Then I’d go home & do it. One year was Love, another getting rid of angry, another finding Peace, another on living in balance, another Trusting God, another Discipline & on & on until now.  SuperStarrs  if you’ve been following me on my  “In The Weighting” Journey then you already know from My 1st Marathon post, that I was on the treadmill running, during a break at this conference, when the Holy Spirit told me, He would help me run a Half Marathon if I really wanted to do it. And the rest is Beautiful History of me sharing my story with SuperStarrs all over.  To give Hope & Encourage them to Start & Shine in their journey wherever God is taking them. To Dream Big Dreams & to know that God Loves them & has Awesome plans for them!!!  That’s YOU!!!  That’s this running ministry!!!  So Super Cool!!!  God is AMAZING!!!

That is why I had to share this all with y’all!!! I never want ya to think that I have it all together, it’s God who holds me together!!!  No mater where you are now, if you are not happy & want to make a change.  He will Help You!!! Just like He did me & you never know what God can do with your story!!!


As I was eating at my favorite foods at my favorite restaurants, realizing this was the close of this season.  I was at peace & have joy for what’s to come.  Did ya hear that???  I HAVE PEACE & JOY!!! What I started searching for, I have today & have had for years. Just kinda forgot where I started, until this past weekend when God gently reminded me. I have unshakeable Peace & Joy now. So much that no matter what changes or losses come, I know in my heart, as long as I have Jesus, I will always have Peace & Joy!!! No one can take that away from me!!! 🙂 It IS Real & I’m not faking!!!

SuperStarrs if you don’t have the Peace & Joy of Jesus, I invite you to check out My Upper Management page for more info on how you can get it!!!

So what makes you want to Get Up & Go???

What adventure are you gonna go on???

Remember You are a SUPERSTARR!!!

Know that YOU are Love by God who has Amazing Blessings for YOU!!!

He is always there, waiting for You!!!

Be patient & make healthy choices while You are “In The Weighting”!!!

My 5th Half Marathon

Hello SuperStarrs!!!  Today is all about My 5th Half Marathon!!!  I’m still Amazed how far God has brought me on my journey of “In The Weighting”!!! I remember when I thought running one was impossible, but with God’s help, here I am having just finished my 5th!!! And I know He’s got so much more for me!!! So Dream BIG Dreams SuperStarrs and realize nothing is impossible with God!!! If he has put that Dream inside you, it’s for a purpose, a purpose that only you can do your way. In the Video below I share my story of what God taught me in this race.

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It’s so important who you surround yourself with!!!  Look around for other SuperStarrs who are shining brightly.  Learn what they are doing and how they got there.  It’s not about comparison, it’s about seeing what’s possible!!!  If it was possible with them, then it’s possible for YOU too!!!  You are the only one stopping you. We all will do things differently even within the same thing.  Think about music and musicians, even if two people sing & play the same song they each add their own flavor to it.  So remember that no one can do it the way you will do it. We all run our races differently and that’s why if God is stirring a dream inside you, Do It!!!  There is a reason and a purpose that He will reveal in time!!!



Here’s my SuperStarrs Angie & Jodi who ran with me!!!



I gotta give a HUGE Shout out to Shannon at Woulfer Photography for taken all the pics at the race and for the photo shoot we did while I was there!!!

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Here’s  my Fav but you’ll have to wait for the rest!!!


Here is my BIG Finish!!! 2:59:57


It was another Amazing Race!!!


I want to say Thanks to all of YOU SuperStarrs!!!

Thank You for reading my blog & watching my videos!!!

Thanks for the encouragement along the way!!!

I Love Ya’ll!!!!

Have Patience & Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”!!!

My Morning Routine!!!

Hey SuperStarrs, today I’m chatting with you on how important your morning routine can be in helping you to be able to get stuff done!!! Seriously when you are able to get your workout done 1st thing, then you feel so much better, you will have more energy to be able to get more stuff done!!!  So I’m sharing with ya’ll what works for me and hopefully you’ll find a few tips that will help you out in starting off your day.

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I pray that you are having a Fabulous Summer and able to enjoy your family & friends.  Get outside and enjoy this Amazing weather and get some Vitamin D from the Sunshine!!!

SuperStarrs, how do you start your day???

What will you add to your mornings???

When do you get your workouts and Jesus time in???

Where do you get away to be with Jesus and refill your cup…yourself and coffee cup???

Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”!!!

My Life Verse

This is it!!!

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SuperStarrs I am so excited to share my story with you about my life verse.  I hope it encourages you wherever you are today and gets you Dreaming about Your Tomorrows!!!

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It’s Super Cool to be able to share this story with you while Bob and I are celebrating 12 years of marriage!!!


GOD IS SO GREAT!!! He never leaves us and is with us throughout all the storms of life.  He has Great things planned for us, even when we don’t feel like He does or can’t understand what’s going on.  Trust God and Believe that you have Amazing things coming to you.  Things Bigger than we can Dream for ourselves!!!

SuperStarrs, Do you have a Life Verse???

If so, Please share with us!!!

What new promises have you discovered in the Word???

Do you remember a time when you were going through a storm and God brought you good out of the situation??? Trust that He WILL do it again!!!

Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting”!!!