Truth Bomb!!!

Hey SuperStarrs!!!  Do y’all know we are friends and I love you??? And Because I love you, I am going to tell you the Truth.  It might sting a little, but I know you are tough enough to handle it!!!  Seriously, it’s so important for you to know this Truth in order for you to have REAL Success on your Journey. So if you can handle the the truth, then watch the video below and because I love ya, there in a Bonus Truth Bomb at the end!!! 😃
If this is you, then you can move onto reading blogs and watching videos with someone else that only makes you feel good and doesn’t challenge you to actually make a change.  I’m not your Girl and that’s OK.  When ever you are ready to make a change, I will welcome you back with Open Arms.
If you just sang that “Open Arms” in your head and “Can Handle the Truth”, then we are gonna have fun hanging out together!!!  You will only have lasting changes when you are honest with what you are, and are not willing to do. You got to exercise to get healthy!!!  It will be different for each of us because we all have different needs and goals. In order to build strength, endurance, flexibility and burn up extra fat, you are gonna have to Get Moving!!!  You are gonna have to work for it!!!
The Truth Will Set You Free!!!
I encourage you to continue to always search for the Truth in God’s Word.
The Truth is so important because it’s the Truth that will set you FREE!!!  Notice in this scripture it’s two parts.
  1. Jesus says if you hold His teachings. We hold onto what’s important to us, and what we don’t want to lose. Other translations says if we “Abide” and “Remain Faithful” in His teachings. Basically, we know and obey His teachings.
  2. Then, you will know the Truth and it will set you Free.

We got to do our part, so that He will be able to do His!!! The more time you spend time in God’s Word, the more you will learn about Jesus and the deeper your relationship will be with Him.  He will lead, guide and help you, with what you are to do.  Our relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship we have in this life.

Your Homework now is to take a good look at your calendar.
Decide when you are gonna get your workouts in and schedule them into your calendar, to NOT be interrupted. Protect this time. Our workouts is “Our Time” to work on our health.
The first few times you have to say no to someone, is the hardest.  You don’t even have to tell them why that time does’t work for you.  You are just “unavailable” at that time.  After you have been faithful to your workouts, people will know that is your time, and that you are not going to move or cancel your workout.  Anyone trying to pressure you to miss a workout, is not supporting you on your goals of getting healthy.  People who love and support you, will encourage you to take that time for yourself.  Only dream killers discourage!!!
Alright SuperStarrs, go make Healthy Choices while you are “In the Weighting”.

Life Interruptions

By now you are getting into a workout routine, drinking more water and eating healthier and then a Life Interruption happens.  Instead of getting bummed out and discouraged, refocus and use this time to get other things done.  This video I share 5 things YOU CAN DO even if you can’t get your normal workout in.
1) Do what YOU CAN DO!!!  If you really want to make a change, you will find a way to keep going!!!
2) Take This Time to Work on Projects or Meal Prep.  Most of us have projects we can work on. Organizing the closets, Decluttering the Kitchen or Bathroom cabinets, or shredding the paper clutter.  Not only will we feel great about getting stuff done but it will help make our environment more peaceful.  The kids can help too.  You can get them in the car, drive to the car wash, have them help clean up their mess and then drive them to finally cash in the free slushes or ice cream coupons they’ve gotten from school.  Added Bonus is when they know they are gonna be the ones wiping up the soda syrup from the cup holders.  They start remembering to throw their drinks away instead of leaving them there to leak!!! Your Welcome 😃
3) Use This Time to Research.  Anything that you want to know more information about research it!!!  Even if it something you are just curious about, check it out!!!  At least then you’ll know yah or nah.
4) Enjoy This Time With Your Kids/Family/Self!!!  God gave you a rest day. Enjoy it, don’t waste it fretting about not getting that one workout in. Enjoy today. We are not promised tomorrow!!!
5) Get Your Kids Involved With Your Workout.  One of the many reasons I wanted to get healthy is so I can do things with my kids without getting too tired to continue.  So get out there with them and see if they can keep up with you!!! 😉
So what are you gonna do this weekend or when the next Life Interruptions happens??? Comment below and share with the rest of the SuperStarrs!!!
Thanks SO much to each and everyone of you for watching my Videos, reading my Blog and following me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Pinterest!!!  It’s AMAZING being able to share my story with you. I pray you find encouragement, change your life and are able to share your story!!!
Make Healthy Choices while you are “In The Weighting” SuperStarrs!!!